Small Hebit

Just like written above a small habit can transform our life. In comparison to motivation small habits can do better change in your life. For example, if you completely depend your motivation you can’t brush your teeth daily because motivation is a diet which require daily. Habit is auto pilot function of our brain and we need not to motivate our self if we make a habit to any work. If we make any small Habit, it is very easy to make successful and transform our life and achieve our Personal, Professional and spiritual goals in easy way.
There are most reason that small habit can make successful and easy to implement.
1.       It is very small so it is very being to do this. Like doing 5 Push up daily in the morning.
Another example reducing 50 ml fat daily in our food.
2.       Another reason is,” Its become habit so we need not to do extra time and attention for this.
Coming office to home is become your Habit , you need not to  think more about this.


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